The Russian Centre of the University of Granada offers courses of Russian as a Foreign Language for all levels.
Why study with us?
Our Teachers hold post-graduate degrees in Philology and have a wide work experience in teaching adults.
Our Teachers are native speakers with excellent command of oral and written Russian and broad knowledge of the nuances of language and culture.
We offer affordable prices and flexible payment options.
There are special discounts for UGR students and staff, for seniors and large families.
University students may get 6 ECTS after completing our 60-hour courses.
We also offer the opportunity to receive an international Russian level certificate at the applicant’s official TRKI (TORFL) exams which the Centre for Slavic Cultures organises twice a year, in collaboration with the Center of Modern Languages of the University of Granada.
We organise a large host of events: conferences, contests, speaking clubs, etc. organized by the Russian Centre where our students can improve their Russian and learn more about Russian culture, history, and traditions.
What courses do we offer?
Mostly, we offer 60-hour courses with a duration of one term (from October to January, and from February to June). The course is taken for 2 hours per day twice a week, in the morning or in the afternoon.
Students may choose between in person and online learning. However, there is a minimum of enrolled students to form a group.
- Elementary (from scratch → A1-).
- Basic (A1- → A2)
- Intermediate (A2 → B1)
- Intermediate (B1 → B2)
- Advanced (B2 → C1)
Besides the above mentioned courses, we also offer intensive TORFL preparation courses - usually starting three weeks before the examination date. Intensive courses last for two weeks, 16 hours with 2-hour classes weekday from Monday to Thursday.
Finally, we plan to offer classes for bilingual children of 3 and 4-6/7 y/o in Autumn 2020.
We currently work with books from Zlatoust and Russki yazyk publishing houses. You can purchase these books directly from the Russian publishers or via their provider in Spain (Alibri or Soyuz).
Students in the Centre for Slavic Cultures can benefit from a 10 % discount in the Alibri bookstore (please, contact the Centre beforehand).
Please ask for advice from the teachers before purchasing any books.
The books from Zlatoust publishers include a QR code that gives you access to the audio content. This publisher no longer uses CDs. Please note that books from this publisher can be sold with or without the QR code, and therefore with or without the audios.
- A. V. Chernyshiova, S. I. Chernyshiov. POEHALI! 1.1 (9785907123069). Textbook. Alibri | Zlatoust
- A. V. Chernyshiova, S. I. Chernyshiov. POEHALI! 1.1 (9785907123083). Workbook. Alibri | Zlatoust
- A. V. Chernyshiova, S. I. Chernyshiov. POEHALI! 1.2 (9785907123076). Textbook. Alibri | Zlatoust
- A. V. Chernyshiova, S. I. Chernyshiov. POEHALI! 1.2 (9785907123090). Workbook. Alibri | Zlatoust
- A. V. Chernyshiova, S. I. Chernyshiov. POEHALI! 2.1. (9785865478690). Textbook. Alibri
- A. V. Chernyshiova, S. I. Chernyshiov. POEHALI! 2.2. (9785865477099).Textbook. Alibri
- ZHIVIOM I UCHIMSIA V ROSSII (9785907123168). Libro de texto. Alibri | Zlatoust
- ZHIVIOM I UCHIMSIA V ROSSII (9785865476061). Cuaderno. Alibri | Zlatoust
- Basko, N. OBSUJDAEM GLOBALNYE PROBLEMY (9785883371669). SOYUZ (paper format) | Alibri (paper format)
- Makova, M. N., Uskova, O. A. V MIRE LIUDÉI. I. (9785865476122). LITRES You can find this book in downloadable format through the LITRES website.You can also access it through the LITRES app.
- Makova, M. N., Uskova, O. A. V MIRE LIUDÉI. II. (9785907123458). LITRES You can find this book in downloadable format through the LITRES website.You can also access it through the LITRES app.
- Makova, M. N., Uskova, O. A. V MIRE LIUDÉI. III. (9785865479413). LITRES You can find this book in downloadable format through the LITRES website.You can also access it through the LITRES app.
Aprende ucraniano desde cero hasta conseguir el nivel A1 con este curso en modalidad online y conoce las peculiaridades de la lengua y la cultura del país de la mano de Iryna Nichaienko, doctora en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad de Kiev.
Organiza: Centro de Culturas Eslavas UGR y el Centro CUNEAC — Europa del Este y Asia Central— de la Universidad de Cádiz
Se estructura en tres cursos cuatrimestrales de 30 horas cada uno.
IMPARTE: Dra. Iryna Nichaienko
Curso de introducción en la lengua y la cultura GEORGIANA
❓❓❓Por qué te interesa❓❓❓
👉Es una lengua única desde el punto de vista lingüístico;
👉Tiene un alfabeto único (ქართული ენა = lengua georgiana);
👉Posible parentesco con el eusquera, también lengua única;
👉Georgia es la antigua Cólquida (¿te suenta el Vellocino de oro?);
👉Los antiguos griegos la llamaron Iberia;
👉Georgia es el país donde se inventó el vino....
Curso ONLINE de 30 horas. Certificado del Centro de Culturas Eslavas de la UGR.
Imparte la Dra. Marine Kobeshavidze, profesora de la Universidad Estatal Ivane Javakhishvili de Tbilisi, Georgia
Es la oportunidad perfecta de comenzar tu viaje hacia el conocimiento del armenio, una lengua indoeuropea única con más de 1.600 años de historia escrita, llena de riqueza cultural, literaria y lingüística.
El Colegio Virtual Armenio de la UGAB y el CUNEAC , en colaboración con el Centro de Culturas Eslavas de la Universidad de Granada y el Centro Superior de Lenguas Modernas de la UCA, te invitamos a inscribirte en nuestro curso gratuito de Armenio desde cero (Nivel A1) – online.