Management and coordination team
Enrique Quero Gervilla
Enrique Federico Quero Gervilla graduated in Russian Studies at the Moscow State University (1995). Later, he obtained a PhD in Comparative and Historic Grammar at the Moscow State University (1999) and from 2012 he is a professor at the University of Granada (Spain) at the Department of Greek and Slavic Studies.
Nina Kressova Iordanishvili
Graduate in Russian Studies at the Saint Petersburg State University (1999). In 2007, she obtained a PhD in Comparative Literature at the University of Granada (Spain).
Teaching staff
Teacher Graduate in both Spanish (2011) and Russian Studies at the University of Tartu, Estonia (2021). In 2012, she obtained an MA in Latin American culture at the University of Granada (Spain). Currently, Tatjana Portnova holds a PhD in Education Sciences at the University of Granada. Her research field is focused on the field of Foreign Language and Literature Didactics. |
Tamara Gorozhankina
Graduate in Spanish Studies at the Romance-Spanish Faculty of the Voronezh State University (Russia).
Fernando Videras Sánchez Teacher Fernando Videras graduated in Slavic Studies at the University of Granada (Spain). He lived in Russia for eight years, where he completed his academic training at the Siberian Federal University and Moscow State University while he worked as a Spanish teacher and tourist guide. Currently, he works as a translator and teacher of Russian and Spanish as a foreign language and PhD student in Translation and Interpreting. |
Victoria Shubina
Graduate in Russian Studies at Saint Petersburg State University.
Alina Khulamkhanova, Kocaeli University (İzmit (Kocaeli), Türkiye), 10/12/2022-25/07/2023. Erasmus+ traineeship.
Sandra Rubí Caparrós, University of Granada (Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación), 10/01/2022-10/07/2022. Ícaro trainee.
Daria Kulagina, Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic). 09/2021-04/2022. Traineeship, Postgraduate student. Erasmus+ trainee.
Liza Romadina, University of Granada. Ícaro trainee 2018
Benamí Barros García - Coordinator (2015-2018) and teacher
Irina Votyakova - Teacher
Enrique J. Vercher García - Teacher